
This is Clearly... a Good Sign.

I've recently become part of Team Good Sign and have actually been appointed (or trusted with) the title "Marketing Director." Good Sign is just now taking off and is pretty new. It was founded by Eric Dennis in 2010 in the attempt to bring communities together, but then Dennis decided to up the antes a bit and wanted to reach out to communities in a time of need. 

Team Good Sign is wanting to get involved and give back a little, we don't just want to be a brand name, we want to make a difference in communities all over the world. Side note: For some odd reason, This is a Good Sign really took off in Brazil, insane. This means we've gone international. Bring. It. On. This is when that whole viral marketing thing would do us reeeaaal nice like (in my Southern accent that doesn't exist). So how am I going to apply experiential marketing to This is a Good Sign? Ohhh the creative juices are flowing.

It's time to get the Good Sign community involved. Yeah, we already have a facebook page. There are 2,223 "likes" and the fans, err... I mean the Good Sign Community, are clearly involved with the page. They're posting pictures, liking statuses, writing on the wall, and commenting on pictures that others post on the Good Sign facebook. The Good Sign Community is clearly getting involved. The website, however, is a different question. We want people to utilize the website more often.... (Right now it's a bit of a mess, and I wouldn't even want to navigate through it.) We also have a Twitter page. I'm not the social profile manager so I don't know how many "followers" there are. Last, but not least, there is a blog that somehow ties into the website (I'll be fixing that later on). Has there been any advertisements? Why of course! Before I became apart of the team they had already taken on guerilla marketing. Interesting to say the least... Our stickers and signs are everywhere! They were even on The Today Show. Check it:

If you ask me... I'd say that's pretty cool. Now, it's just time to actually make things come together and mesh, maybe even throw in a little surprise? Until next time... Get Your Learn On.


This is a Good Sign said...

Hello! :) Amazing works Thank you so much!

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