
The Cloud?

So last Thursday we were talking about this thing called the "Cloud." It's apparently supposed to be the new hard drive of our time... but instead of being tangible (as in being able to throw it at someone or the wall if it isn't working up to your standards) it's up in the thing we like to call the Internet, hanging out so that if our computer crashes we can access it without a problem. Well, I kind of have a problem with it. 

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think that I trust ALL of my precious information to float around somewhere that I don't even know where it's located (Ironic that I keep a blog and a facebook huh?! I'm talking about files here people.). At least I know that when I put something on my external hard drive, I know where it's located. My external is either stuffed somewhere in my purse or in my computer case cover that is somewhere at the bottom of my suitcase (because I'm always traveling somewhere). 

Let's face it. I know big corporations are already transferring all of their data into/onto the "Cloud," but seriously... I could probably call up one of my nerd friends from GT (Georgia Tech) and they could figure out some way to hack into someone's "Cloud." I don't care how "secure" the makers of the Cloud think it is, there is always a way to hack into the system. I'm not the only one who is having second thoughts about this Cloud thing. Technology can do wonders, but it can also cause a great deal of destruction... So, I'll stick to my little external hard drives, just like I'll stick to my paperback books instead of switching to Kindles. What are your thoughts? Until next time... Get your learn on.  


Anonymous said...

okay okay I have a confession to make. I have succumb to the cloud! BUT only for the noble effort of retrieving lost music after getting a new, fancy iPod and failing to transfer 5 years of music to it.
The iTunes thing doesn't bother me because technically those were purchases made through the same iTunes account I've had since the dawn of time, and I was initially baffled that they weren't synced up automatically when I bought the new iPod, even though I was still using the same account. Tons of people have complained throughout the years that when they get new iPods/iPhones, they have to start their music archive from scratch.
Music and I have been reunited... and now I can vibe with you... The cloud thing freaks me out, too. Clearly in order for all of this to work, someone would have to mange/sort all of that information right? But I guess I'm more torn than anything... Maybe it is kind of neat that from here on out, not information could really every be lost (ie losing hard drives, computers crashing, etc)
I'm anxious to see what everyone else thinks in hopes that it will help de-swiss this writer.
great post, shae :)

Shae said...

Okay. Totally love the cloud when it comes to reuniting with your beloved music. I think iTunes should have figured that one out a long time ago. So no judging there. (If I ever purchased music on iTunes I would have done the same thing. I know... shame on me.)

Yeah I guess you could say I'm a bit torn... It's an awesome concept, but still a bit sketchy. Maybe I'll do it on down the line when they get all of the kinks out i.e. 3 years from now, if something better doesn't come along by then.

Anonymous said...

rut roh. the cloud broke in ireland!


Shae said...

Ah Ha! So there is a down side to the Cloud. Crazy!

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